Saturday, February 20, 2010

Armor vs. Internal Structure vs. Pilot Damage

Armor is breached when the Mecha is bloodied, i.e. when they reach half of their armor points in a particular location. Armor points are assigned as per the original source books used in the Mecha, for instance, the Battletech Technical Readout 3025 manual.

When bloodied in a particular location, critical hits (upon rolling a 20) are possible. Upon a critical hit, the damaged Mecha must roll a save or have a critical hit location damaged, for instance an actuator, weapon, or heat sink.

A pilot can be damaged when someone registers a head hit on his/her Mecha, or when his/her Mecha falls. At this point, the pilot must make a save ot be affected by weakness, stun, or some other effect.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Missiles as Burst Attacks

We expect missiles working like ranged attacks, affecting all Mecha in an area burst, starting with the target at the center.

The details are still fuzzy, but here are a few of them. First, we're considering presenting various damage types, such as energy, ballistic, bludgeoning, falling. These will be covered in a later post.

For LRMs, roll a to hit for each pack of 5 missiles. For each 5 pack that hits, deal 1d6 damage to a location on the Location Table (to come).

LRM 5 - Ballistic
Burst 2
Range 21

LRM 10 - Ballistic
Burst 3
Range 21

LRM 15 - Ballistic
Burst 4
Range 21

LRM 20 - Ballistic
Burst 5
Range 21

SRM 2 - Ballistic
Burst 1
Range 9

SRM 4 - Ballistic
Burst 2
Range 9

SRM 6 - Ballistic
Burst 3
Range 9

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Welcome to Mercs and Mecha

This blog is devoted to the development of a ruleset for use with anthropomorphic futuristic war machines made famous by Robotech and Battletech. This is a project devoted to converting ideas presented in these tabletop games to a more 4th Ed feel, and this blog is really geared toward those of us working on the idea.

But, since you've found us, you might as well comment on what you see here...

Stay tuned over the next months as we develop the concept!